2012 English Channel Swim

7 - 14 September 2012

After having cycled through Africa, completed 5 Ironman Triathlons, run the Comrades Ultra Marathon, Climbed Kili ... I have decided to take on a slightly tougher option ...

... 34km of cold, open water swimming ... leaving the coast of the eternal "wanna-be" soccer nation, over to the "frogs" on the other side ...

Tuesday, 16 January 2007

Where to start ...?

I've got so many things to share with everyone ... and simply do not know where to start ... do I go day after day or do I just highlight exciting and interesting stuff?

Well day one was real exciting and COLD!! We were dragged out of bed at 05h00 and got our last stuff together. A quick breakfast ... where I noticed Sean and Andrew were absent ... I called them from the lobby at 06h35 (we were to leave at 06h30) and they were still fast asleep ... they never got their wake-up call. Poor Sean has had a real rough time from the Cataract Pyramids Resort ... and yes they are pathetic - service, etc.

We eventually left at o7h30 in convoy with police and military escort to the Pyramids ... Giza. Second time round and still amazing!! Here we had a brief address by several persons and off we went. Obviously with thousands of photographs all round.

It was cold and windy. We went a good 20km in convoy again till we left town .. and started to RACE!!

Well ... I tried to keep up with the racing bunch ... but after 15 minutes of panting and a heart rate of 186bpm. I dropped back and we formed a real nice group for the first day.

We have continuous police and military escorts - who drive up and down the whole field checking on everyone. They determine the camp sites ... a god distance from anywhere on the side of the national road.

On day one we headed out eastwards. Slightly south of the main national road to Suez. We camped on the side of the road about 20km from the Red Sea.