2012 English Channel Swim

7 - 14 September 2012

After having cycled through Africa, completed 5 Ironman Triathlons, run the Comrades Ultra Marathon, Climbed Kili ... I have decided to take on a slightly tougher option ...

... 34km of cold, open water swimming ... leaving the coast of the eternal "wanna-be" soccer nation, over to the "frogs" on the other side ...

Saturday, 20 January 2007

Tomorrow and into Sudan

Well we have got some interesting days coming up. 115km (racing again - if my body can do it)down to Aswan tomorrow ... maybe one last time for the Internet, but not too sure.

Monday morning we head off to the ferry and wait. Apparently it is total chaos ... a real circus as people scramble, fight, push and pull to get their stuff onto the boat. Apparently we have a booking - primitive cabins, packing space and a dedicated time for boarding ...

The fun, patience and unknown starts as we approach Wadi Halfa ... aka Sudan. Customs and border officials board the vessel and we have more forms, passport copies and monies to hand over - anything from 30 to 50 US Dollars ... we'll see?! We have been instructed to take with a very large dose of patience and a bottle of Unpredictability Treatment.

Once in Wadi Halfa we meet the overland trucks from South Africa (African Routes) - pack stuff over and fix up our bikes for the sand ...!