2012 English Channel Swim

7 - 14 September 2012

After having cycled through Africa, completed 5 Ironman Triathlons, run the Comrades Ultra Marathon, Climbed Kili ... I have decided to take on a slightly tougher option ...

... 34km of cold, open water swimming ... leaving the coast of the eternal "wanna-be" soccer nation, over to the "frogs" on the other side ...

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Seven weeks to go

Eish ... Yawn ... Feeling very tired this week. Two hard swims and a weekend bachelor party do take it out of one ... last weekend's hard work has left me a little flat ...

Somehow I am not really getting into it this week. Thursday afternoon and only done one gym session and a 3km swim. Admittedly I do have an indoor 50m marathon pool session planned ... 25km this Saturday ... if I am feeling strong enough ;-)

So Seven Weeks to go! Nearly around the corner!

Regular cold water swims, several open water swims and one or two long swims left on the card. Finalisation of my swim feeding rigs; and reading through all the notes I have made over the last 18 months.

And still looking for a little more help on the boat, for my swim ...

If anyone knows someone who is keen to help out on my swim; to actually escort me and two mates (as well as the skipper and swim official) on the boat ... please let me know soon. I am looking for one more volunteer - probably from London or Dover or thereabout - to be on standby for the day, night, hours, 34km ...