A Rediculous Sunburn for 10km Swimming
Well training is progressing slowly - unfortunately still the endless travels! At least I have achieved my training goals for the last two weeks - that must be good. 14km in the water last week and 16km this week. Still nothing major when compared to previous training programs; but soon there will be some noticeable extra time to train.
I completed an enjoyable 10km fresh water, dam swim. Rather tedious procedure of swimming ten 1km loops. But brain numbing activities are vital to train the brain to cope with long, boring endeavors ... what on earth will I think about for 12 - 14 hours crossing the Channel ... ??? The actual swim went well. No thrilling speed freak activity, but an enjoyable 3h19 ... a good, steady 20 minutes per km.
Happy enough :-) Except for the ridiculous sunburn I have on my face, shoulders, back and speedo lines ...