2012 English Channel Swim

7 - 14 September 2012

After having cycled through Africa, completed 5 Ironman Triathlons, run the Comrades Ultra Marathon, Climbed Kili ... I have decided to take on a slightly tougher option ...

... 34km of cold, open water swimming ... leaving the coast of the eternal "wanna-be" soccer nation, over to the "frogs" on the other side ...

Monday, 24 October 2011

English Channel Training ...

Well, what does one do when one falls prey to a nasty bout of flu and bronchitis? I can honestly say i have never been hit that hard ... total lack of energy and more mucous than I care to see for quite a while ...

Well this was the perfect time to spend on a training plan for the next ten months ... September 2012 is around the corner and I have some serious training to put back.

Basically I plan to have a minor peak end of February 2012 - a good 20km swim of sorts. I am not too sure yet if I should head out to Perth for the 20km swim or do one of the local 25km fresh water events.

My basic plan looks as follows:
  • October through January I plan to build a solid base - a good 15 to 20km of swimming every week, still ample cross training and twice weekly gym sessions
  • End February a decent 20-25km event
  • March and April 2012 is strength training - lots of gym and 18 - 25km per week
  • May and June 2012 I will be focusing on speed work and maintaining the 18 - 25km of swimming per week
  • July 2012 will be major volume - where I aim to put in 30km per week for the whole of July
  • August taper and recover
  • September 2012 ... the aim is for 12 hours of mental strength to carry off the swim