2012 English Channel Swim
After having cycled through Africa, completed 5 Ironman Triathlons, run the Comrades Ultra Marathon, Climbed Kili ... I have decided to take on a slightly tougher option ...
... 34km of cold, open water swimming ... leaving the coast of the eternal "wanna-be" soccer nation, over to the "frogs" on the other side ...
Sunday, 24 December 2006
Saturday, 23 December 2006
Merry Christmas
I hope you all have a peaceful, quiet, relaxing Christmas ... not rushing around and stressful like mine. Just sold my car, packing up my flat - on Christmas Day! Working on Boxing Day. Hopefully cycling a little here and there.
... And following on from the previous entry and comments ... I WILL NOT BE RACING!!!
Patrick Thomas
Tuesday, 12 December 2006
to race or not to race
Organize, organize, organize ... that is all I seem to be doing at the moment. I did manage two moderately long rides on the weekend - which were made that little bit more fun by having our usual summery South Easter gusting non-stop! Otherwise I've booked the movers (everything is going into storage for several months), booked the carpet cleaners, made my lists for packing, buying, do-on-return ... man I really am more German than I thought.
Many of you are asking whether I will be racing or touring ... I'll be damned if I know yet. What if I say yes - and then I end up competing against some Kazakhstan National Mountain Bike Team and don't live up to all your expectations!
Basically I have entered as a racer - but then I believe most or many of the entrants do so. If the competition is good and fair I may end up giving it a go. But, to be honest, I don't think I really wish to spend four months just watching every move, pushing it and going flat out. I really want to see something of the continent and wouldn't mind meeting one or two locals on the way. Furthermore last year only 25% managed to complete the whole trip, cycling all the way (EFI - Every F...ing Inch). So realistically Injury, Sickness, Cycle Damage and other causes can also interfere with a successful racing result.
So ... for all those other eager 2007 Tour d'Afrique entrants surfing the web and trying to see who is going to challenge you for glory ... you going to have to beat me to first place ... ;-)
Patrick Thomas
Sunday, 3 December 2006
early farewell bash
Thanks to everyone that came round to celebrate a belated birthday, early Christmas spirit and an early farewell to me. Thanks also to everyone that bought raffle tickets ... the final flood of purchases was greatly appreciated. Thanks also to Ross for your auctioneering efforts.
Congratulations to Jane Landau of Franschhoek for winning the Stubben Bridle and Magnetic Boots and Philip Head for taking home the Cape Point Cottage Accomodation and Massage. Also to my family for not being too clued up on how auctions should really function ...
Well I should be heading out now to do a good 100km - but the miserable weather doesn't make it look like much fun.
Patrick Thomas
Friday, 1 December 2006
why thru africa?
How many of us have dreamt and planned an amazing holiday? Planned to take several months off to travel and explore? But somehow we never get round to it!
We so often sit around the dinner table with friends or family and plan that inevitable trip thru Africa. Those glasses of Pinotage or Sauvignon Blanc always help make the trip all the more real … we decide on the countries, tents, time frames (always in a year or two), who to take with (everyone at the dinner table is always welcome – obviously) and how cheap it would be. We do get a little stuck on … Land Rover or Land Cruiser? Which one is better? And then there is the problem of couples or no couples, who likes whom and which person never pulls their weight…
And… inevitably… the next day, once the haze of good food and booze wears off, our partners have scolded us for being so far-off from reality and we trudge off to work, see our workloads and log-in to our banking website… we cannot believe we even considered such a foolish thing as a trip thru Africa.
I’m not too sure about everyone else… but I know I’m only going to live once. I may be a little selfish – but then this is my life. And more than likely I am a little crazy after all. I also don’t mind a little debt to make this awesome experience come to life. Furthermore, a friend/colleague of mine also helped me realise that something like this is possible – Billy and Christy are currently going by horseback through Africa, albeit quite a bit slower than I intend to take (see their website: www.africanhoofprints.com)
I heard about the Tour d'Afrique about two years ago when a fellow cyclist/runner – a member of both my cycling and running club – completed the same tour. I immediately started playing with the idea to do the same and haven’t looked back since.
Patrick Thomas
about me
I am Patrick. 32 years old, 184cm tall, currently 89kg, blue eyes and sporting a real shocking cycling tan. A little German, more South African. I’ve lived a lot in Cape Town and a little in Germany and a little in the Eastern Cape. I’ve travelled a lot, studied a lot and played a lot of sport.
I studied Physiotherapy and have a Masters degree in Public Health. I have a physiotherapy practice concentrating solely on Horse Physiotherapy – thanks to Tammy for holding up the fort while I am travelling thru Africa.
Although I have tried my hand at many sports disciplines – to greater and lesser degrees of enjoyment and success – I have a specific passion for cycling and triathlons. Over the years I have had numerous achievements … or rather sporting experiences:
- Eighteen Argus Cycle Tours (the world’s largest timed cycle race)
- Two Double Centuries (205km team cycle race)
- One Marathon and many half marathons
- South African Iron Man Triathlon (2005, 2006)
- Many smaller local cycle and triathlon races
Besides my work and play I am an avid reader, love travelling, enjoy good food and wine and cannot sing to save my life.
Patrick Thomas